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Healing Heart Circle

Many people are facing significant life challenges at this time as planetary shifts encourage us to let go of things that no longer serve us. However, in the midst of these difficult times, wonderful stirrings are taking place as more and more people recognise a calling within themselves to connect with the essence of who they are (their spirit).


The aim of the Healing Heart Circle, run by me, Liz Butler, is to support those sensing this calling to first, embrace any life challenges, recognising the potential they hold for growth, and second, to discover how to tune in and connect to the deepest aspect of our being, accessing the Universal love and guiding wisdom available to us all. In both cases, these intentions are met by entering the sacred space of the heart.

A weekly online group to inspire, restore and heal

During the 1-hour sessions there are inspirational readings, sharing of the heart's teachings, and tools and tips for life empowerment. 

The sessions always include a meditation which allows us to enter the sacred space of our heart, connect in a circle and, using the power of intention and energies of the heart, send healing to those who need it, within or outside the group. We continue to focus our healing in this direction for the following week until we meet again.

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If you would like to experience the healing power of the heart, please come and join us, you are so welcome!

Liz Butler

"Research on the power of group meditation has been ongoing for several decades, and the results seem to validate what the ancient sages said; that there is greater peace in the vicinity of the enlightened. Individually we may not see ourselves as enlightened, but the group effect multiplies each single member."

Deepak Chopra

The power of group healing

Recent research confirms what many have long suspected; that when we come together as a group to meditate, pray and send healing, the effect can be more powerful than when engaging in these practices alone. This makes perfect sense in energy terms – when there is greater and more coherent energetic force behind an intention, its power to elicit change will be increased.

Many scientific studies have demonstrated the power of group healing intentions, a phenomenon known as the 'Maharishi Effect', with some of these demonstrations involving large groups of people (thousands), and some smaller groups. It appears that even very small groups of people can create powerful positive change, as outlined by Lynne McTaggart in her book, The Power of Eight.

One of the wonderful findings of this research is that members of a healing group benefit in many different ways, even when sending healing to others. This illustrates a deep truth - that when we come into alignment with our heart energy, there can be no losers, everybody wins!

The Healing Heart Circle takes place on a Wednesday evening, 7.30-8.30pm, and runs for series of 8-weeks with breaks of a few weeks in between. The next series will begin on 31st January 2024. The cost for each 8-week series is £40 (recordings are included). If you would like to sign up, please make your payment below, or if have any questions, just get in touch.

Healing Heart Circle

Eight 1 hour sessions (£5 per session) + recordings



“I have so enjoyed being a part of the Healing Heart Circle and look forward to delving deeper into this fascinating subject. The sessions offer members a lovely, supportive and healing space in which to connect and share - heartfelt thanks, Liz”

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