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Awakening Heart
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We are a group of professionals who have been led, one way or another, into careers exploring the heart. We all honour the heart deeply and are passionate about what we do.

By creating a range of offerings and connecting like-hearted people, we hope to support awakening of the Global Heart, thereby encouraging healing for individuals, communities and the planet.

"Many voices are joining the chorus, many feet are walking the path, many minds are dreaming possibilities for a magnificent future. For beneath the crises that are looming at every level of civilization, the global heart is awakening, beating out the rhythm of a new and glorious dance, calling us to a better way of living."

Anodea Judith


To live in a world where the heart is recognised for its central position in our lives and there is understanding of its essential role in connecting us to others and the deepest part of our Selves.


As a collective of dedicated heart advocates, we will shine a bright light on the heart providing the attention it deserves and the platform it requires to reveal its truth and ‘speak’ to humanity of its vital role in global and individual healing. Connecting with as many who share our vision as possible, we will promote the wise power of the heart in order to help create a brighter world. 

Who we are


Liz Butler



Always possessing a deep sense of the interconnectedness of life, Liz knew she wanted to enter the world of healing from a young age. Originally training as a nutritional therapist, Liz specialised in supporting those with cancer, but after several years realised her true passion was helping her clients rediscover their health and wholeness through emotional and spiritual connection. Liz developed a deep fascination with the heart following her training with the HeartMath Institute and went on to create a model for emotional healing that fully engages and utilises the power of the heart; Heart Matrix Therapy. She is the founder of Heart Source and author of the book, 'Your Hidden Heart' (waiting to be published).

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Peter Granger


Originally studying geophysics, Peter went on to train as a relationship counsellor discovering a passion for helping people understand their emotional issues. Noticing physiological changes in himself as he connected with those he counselled, he went on to measure these changes and made a series of discoveries about heart synchronisation in bonded relationships. Peter has since developed an app allowing anyone to experience heart-heart connection and he has written a book, Connected Hearts, which explores his research work and its profound implications. He runs his company HeartBond with his wife, Claire, and their aim is to help people open their hearts and share unconditional love with others.


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Louise Livingstone


During a challenging journey dealing with a long-standing heart condition, Louise discovered her heart was trying to give her a message and was calling out to be heard. This led her down a path of deep exploration regarding her own heart, and the heart in general, and through her personal and academic studies she has come to realise that the heart speaks to us all, its wise words offering guidance and loving support, if only we tune in and listen. Louise is the founder of the Heart Sense Research Institute, its mission being to empower individuals and organisations to 'return to heart and reconnect to life' and the co-founder and director of The Centre for Myth, Cosmology and the Sacred. 

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Our Newsletter

The Awakening Heart Collective has its own bi-monthly newsletter (separate from the Heart Source newsletter), which includes contributions from each of the founders, as well as details of any events we are running. The newsletter also showcases the work of other individuals and organisations around the world who are working with the heart in many different ways. 

When you sign up to our mailing list you will automatically receive the Awakening Heart Collective newsletter and the Heart Source newsletter (you will receive either one approximately once a month).

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